A heartfelt letter written many years ago on the other side of the world was discovered in the seas by the daughter

A heartfelt letter written many years ago on the other side of the world was discovered in the seas by the daughter

Nikki Saadat currently resides in Vancouver, Canada. The young girl is an eco-volunteer who frequently cleans rubbish from city beaches. She discovered a plastic bottle brought by the waves one day.

There are no longer any labels or markings on the bottle, but there was certainly something inside. When Nikki opened it, she discovered an almost faded letter. But she didn’t grasp what was written on the page. The book was written in a language she was unfamiliar with.

A heartfelt letter written many years ago on the other side of the world was discovered in the seas by the daughter

Saadat brought the discovery to her university of study. She told her pals about the letter, but no one understood what was said. Only a few weeks later, Saadat discovered someone who had read the message.

It turned out to be written in one of Indonesia’s languages.

It was a message sent to his mother by a man named Joris Naikambo. The letter was heartfelt, full of love and remorse for my mother.
Joris begged pardon. For not taking his helpful advise, for being ashamed of his less than honourable employment, and for his arrogance.

A heartfelt letter written many years ago on the other side of the world was discovered in the seas by the daughter

«You worked for me so we could eat every day. «Unlike me, you never complained about anything,» the son wrote. The document was dated November 2003.

Nikki attempted to contact Nicambo via social media. On social media, however, there were no people with such name. She then appealed to the Indonesian community in Vancouver for assistance.

Only scraps of information concerning Joris were available. As a result, he is a Christian who grew up in a village in eastern Indonesia. Perhaps he worked abroad or on a cruise ship. Unfortunately, that was the only information available.

Saadat believes that one day she may be able to track out the letter’s author or recipient.

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