Children run away in horror: what a horned girl looks like! a fan of modifications

Children run away in horror: what a horned girl looks like! a fan of modifications

Because of her appearance, an American is constantly faced with negativity.

Children run away in horror: what a horned girl looks like! a fan of modifications

Jessie Kirkpatrick, from the USA, started changing her body ten years ago, having since received 20mm holes in her nose, tunnels in her ears and 16 piercings. In addition, the blogger has more tattoos, including on her face, as well as several silicone horns on her forehead.

Despite her incredible appearance, 26-year-old Jessie works as a proofreader at a publishing house. The girl’s bosses are not at all embarrassed by her modifications, but the public literally shied away from her.

Children run away in horror: what a horned girl looks like! a fan of modifications

Kirkpatrick shared on social media that people on the street often point their fingers at her, make fun of her, and children at the sight of her get scared, start crying and run away in search of a safe place away from the freak.

Children run away in horror: what a horned girl looks like! a fan of modifications

People tell me I’m disgusting and I belong in a freak show. I live in a very conservative state. There were women running away with their children, talking behind my back, men asking rude questions. People laugh at me in stores, take pictures without asking permission, ”admitted Jessie.

Despite the negative attitude, Jesse is not going to stop there, believing that everyone has the right to be who they want. The main thing is that it brings happiness and harmony with oneself.

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