People are afraid of me! What does a mother with 800 tattoos look like?

People are afraid of me! What does a mother with 800 tattoos look like?

It would seem that it is the 21st century. People promote body positivity and advocate for personality versatility. However, this is only in theory. But in practice, there are still those who throw sidelong glances at those who somehow stand out

Valerie Watson, a 34-year-old mother of two from California, continues to receive hate comments because of her «bright image» of the modern mom.

People are afraid of me! What does a mother  with 800 tattoos look like?

The thing is that there are about 800 tattoos on the face and body of the girl. And they become an occasion for discussion every time it is published.

“I am constantly told that I am not of this world, or sick in the head. They also call me a drug addict. Although I don’t understand how banned substances and tattoos are connected, ”complains Valerie.

People are afraid of me! What does a mother  with 800 tattoos look like?

Despite the fact that Watson is strange and insulting to hear this, she tries to simply ignore such attacks against her. After all, this is her body and she can do whatever she wants with it, says the girl.

According to Valerie, she made her first tattoo — angel wings on her back — at the age of fourteen in Mexico. And after that I became a real fan of the tattoo.

People are afraid of me! What does a mother  with 800 tattoos look like?

To date, she has spent over a million rubles in Russian currency to paint her body. Now about 75% of Valerie’s skin is covered with various tattoos.

Watson has a variety of tattoos. Flowers, signs-symbols, a ghost, a web and portraits of horror movie characters. But the most important drawings are stuffed on the face of the girl — these are the names of her children and the name of the deceased best friend.

People are afraid of me! What does a mother  with 800 tattoos look like?

“My tattoos are memorable moments that will stay with me for the rest of my life,” says Valerie. “I am lucky that my family accepts me for who I am. I am very grateful to them.»

Despite the support from the children, for whom Valerie is a caring and protective mother, and the love of her husband Wes, the negativity coming from strangers does not allow her to live in peace.

People are afraid of me! What does a mother  with 800 tattoos look like?

“Sometimes when I go to the park to walk with the children, other mothers take their children away so that they do not communicate with mine,” recalls Valerie.

However, not everyone reacts negatively to Watson’s bright image. Some approach and admire the confidence of a young mother, who, by her example, motivates others not to be afraid to stand out from the crowd.

“Don’t listen to anyone, don’t betray yourself, be who you are despite what others say” is the motto of this beauty with 800 tattoos.

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