Results are announced! Here’s what this decеаsed buddhist monk’s brain hidden

Results are announced! Here’s what this decеаsed buddhist monk’s brain hiddenCan’t believe what they found.

Buddhist monks raise a lot of questions from society. And they are connected with how the clergy manage to live for centuries even … after death.

It is believed that the whole point is tukdam — the practice of meditation performed in the presence of a dying Buddhist teacher or lama. It is believed that in this state the teacher can live in a meditative state after death.

Results are announced! Here's what this decеаsed buddhist monk's brain hidden

One of the stories proving this happened in Tibet in May 2020. Then the head monk’s heart stopped beating after he assumed the lotus posture and began meditation. His disciples watched the body every day, but even after two months it did not decompose.

The joints were mobile, the skin was smooth, and the hair continued to grow. It seemed that Lobsanga Tseringa had simply fallen asleep.

At the same time, scientists arrived at the temple and conducted several encephalograms. As a result, doctors were literally shocked by the results they saw. The monk’s brain continued to work even two months after death. The impulses were weak, but they were there.

Results are announced! Here's what this decеаsed buddhist monk's brain hidden

The monks were also studied, including during deep meditation. It was found that at this time the body reacts much less to external stimuli. And it happens unconsciously.

Why this is so is not known for certain. Perhaps the brain, in which some activity remains, maintains the tone of the whole organism. On the other hand, under the influence of meditation, when dying, some substances are released that protect cells from decomposition.

In any case, the phenomenon of Buddhist monks remains not fully proven, but terribly interesting. Moreover, both for the scientific world and for ordinary people.

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