This man was heartbroken after losing his furry friend, but a miracle happened

This man was heartbroken after losing his furry friend, but a miracle happened

Paul Robertson, a lone truck driver from Ohio, and his former feline companion, Howie, were traveling companions. While Paul drove long distances to make deliveries, Howie accompanied him at all times.

Paul enjoyed his job and made every effort to meet the deadline. For years, these traveling companions shared countless days and nights on the road. Unfortunately, Howie died in 2017.

This man was heartbroken after losing his furry friend, but a miracle happened

Paul traveled alone for several weeks, and driving at night was never easy. Anyone who loves animals understands how heartbreaking it is to lose a beloved pet. Paul was devastated.

After a few weeks, Paul was ready to take in another feline companion. He never ruled out the possibility of falling in love with someone else.

He found a new perfect travel companion in Percy, a tubby cat he adopted from Twin Cities Animal Rescue. Percy had scars, a missing tooth, and a torn ear from a fight with a stray cat, Paul assumed. Despite his flaws, Paul fell in love with him. Percy has found his «furrrr-ever» home.

This man was heartbroken after losing his furry friend, but a miracle happened

Time flew by, and the two travel companions were constantly on the road for a year in the blink of an eye. Paul even made a small «Percy suite» for him on the passenger seat so he could enjoy the various views outside the window. They were unbreakable!

Paul took a lot of pictures of himself and Percy and posted them on Facebook. They quickly gained a large number of followers who enjoyed seeing their travel photos together.

This man was heartbroken after losing his furry friend, but a miracle happened

«He’s very affectionate and enjoys crawling on my lap, up my chest, and then rubbing cheeks with me,» Paul said on Facebook. «He enjoys playing. He has a lot of purrs. And, of course, he’s a cat, so he likes to eat and sleep.»

Paul awoke one cold February morning with the passenger side window open. Percy was nowhere to be found. When Paul noticed a beautiful bird or something interesting outside the window,

he knew the smart cat could open the window. He initially assumed that this was just one of Percy’s usual walks outside, where he would immediately return when summoned. It was different this time. Percy did not respond after several calls to his name. Paul began

This man was heartbroken after losing his furry friend, but a miracle happened

He shook Percy’s food bag and exclaimed, «Percy! Percy Wercy!» The feline has yet to respond. He wasn’t to be found! Panicking, Paul searched every inch of the rest stop.

Paul summoned Percy after noticing that the temperature was dropping and the skies were turning grey, indicating the impending arrival of a storm. «It began to rain. «It’s freezing outside, and we’re soaking wet, beating the bushes and calling ‘Percy!'» Paul explained.

This man was heartbroken after losing his furry friend, but a miracle happened

A heartbroken Paul sought assistance from Facebook, informing their followers of Percy’s disappearance. The immediate response of the community overwhelmed Paul.

People from all over the world expressed their support online, some called nearby shelters, and one online supporter came in person to assist in the search for Percy.

Even after nightfall, Percy had not returned. Paul decided to keep moving after a sleepless night and left the rest stop empty-handed and with a heavy heart.

This man was heartbroken after losing his furry friend, but a miracle happened

«I’m a commercial truck driver, and I have a truck full of stuff worth hundreds of thousands of dollars that I’ve agreed to deliver by such and such a time,» Paul explained.

«If I want to stay, I don’t have a choice. I was just feeling down. I felt as if I were abandoning my child.» He was on his way in less than a minute. Paul left the rest stop with a broken heart and continued on his own.

People in the area assured Paul that they would not stop looking for Percy until he was found.

Paul could only think of the worst possible scenario while driving. Percy could be hungry and alone, shivering from the passing storm and unable to find his way back to the truck. But Paul was bound by his responsibilities and had to move on.

This man was heartbroken after losing his furry friend, but a miracle happened

A miracle occurred after driving 400 miles for two deliveries. When Paul was about to return to his truck, a familiar figure crawled out from beneath it. Paul initially mistook it for another stray cat. Paul was speechless as it got closer. Percy was drenched in truck oil! Paul snatched up the cat and snuggled with him in delight.

«I recognize him right away. «He just looks up at me with big eyes, as if to say, ‘Dad?'» Paul explained. «I took him into the truck, and we cuddled and snuggled, and he rubbed his face against me.

This man was heartbroken after losing his furry friend, but a miracle happened

Oh my goodness, he stinks!» The two travel buddies were happily reunited in the truck. After all, Percy has never left the truck. He had been underground for 400 miles! Percy miraculously survived the long journey unscathed. He was in good health!

Paul updated his post on the online community while filled with joy. He displayed new photos of himself and Percy. «END THE SEARCH!!!» PERCY IS ALRIGHT!!!» Paul wrote to thank everyone for their assistance and support for both of them.

«To me, this little orange furry soul means everything. Thank you for being concerned about him as well.» Paul updated his status. «I caught myself laughing at one of his antics the other day, and I thought to myself,

‘It’s nice to live alone sometimes,’ because you can have everything your way — but I wouldn’t be laughing like this if I were alone.’ Percy is beneficial to my spirit and soul.» Paul then signed off. This is a reunion that their online fans will remember for the rest of their lives. Paul and Percy are excited to go on more adventures together.

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