We hug, talk to each other! How does a woman who grows dreadlocks for 40 years live?

We hug, talk to each other! How does a woman who grows dreadlocks for 40 years live?

The woman who holds the record for the longest dreadlocks in the world spoke about the «vision» that inspired her to choose a unique lifestyle.

Asha Mandela has been growing her hair for over 40 years and has achieved a Guinness World Record for being the woman with the longest dreadlocks in the world.

We hug, talk to each other! How does a woman who grows dreadlocks for 40 years live?

This title is very flattering for a freak, but living with such a length is quite difficult. During a walk, she has to collect curls in a bag-backpack so that they do not drag on the floor, and she cannot keep her hair for more than two hours.

As Asha said, she went to all these «torments» after she saw an amazing dream.

We hug, talk to each other! How does a woman who grows dreadlocks for 40 years live?

I began to have dreams, or what others call visions, in which a huge cobra appeared in front of me and began to speak to me, letting me know that I was the chosen one.

After I met my husband Emmanuel, a professional curl stylist from Nairobi, Kenya, and as soon as we met and became one in the union, he became my “cobra trainer” — he began to help grow dreadlocks, ”the woman admitted.

After that, the woman began to call her curls a cobra, and when she goes to bed, she carefully collects them, hugs them, and only in this way can she fall asleep.

We hug, talk to each other! How does a woman who grows dreadlocks for 40 years live?

I call my hair king cobra because of its length … When I’m ready to go to bed with my baby cobra, sometimes it depends on my mood, I put it in a bag, and we hug, talk to each other, ”said Mandela in interview with the Guinness Book of Records.

Many consider Asha crazy, but there are those who are interested in her — how she manages to keep her hair in such good condition for so many years.

We hug, talk to each other! How does a woman who grows dreadlocks for 40 years live?

It turned out that the secret is simple — Mandela just loves them very much, keeps them clean and constantly provides them with care and affection. A woman even perceives her «cobra» as her own child.

Never in my life have I felt that the time will come when I want to cut my hair. This will never happen, ”the woman said.

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