What is happening to her? Selflaunched Cindy shows regrown roots

What is happening to her? Selflaunched Cindy shows regrown roots

Cindy Crawford is still one of the most famous supermodels of the 90s.

What is happening to her? Selflaunched Cindy shows regrown roots

Now the model is 57 years old, but she still excites the minds of fans with her perfect figure. Despite her age, Cindy managed to maintain an almost youthful form — a thin waist and long graceful legs.

Unlike some of her colleagues, Crawford made a decision for herself to age naturally — without plastic surgery and beauty injections. Supermodels of the 90s managed to embrace all their age changes.

What is happening to her? Selflaunched Cindy shows regrown roots

Although fans believe that the model could be injected with a little Botox and fillers, Cindy does not see any point in this. Moreover, all manipulations with the face greatly change the appearance, and for the model it is very expensive.

Therefore, every year Crawford’s appearance changes a lot, and it is already becoming difficult to recognize the model in the latest paparazzi pictures. So Cindy was filmed in the evening on the street, when she was heading to the car with a small box in her hands.

What is happening to her? Selflaunched Cindy shows regrown roots

Many looked not at the elegant style of the model — a white striped shirt, blue jeans and a sea-green jacket — but at her haggard face. Crawford appeared deep wrinkles in the eyes, lips and even on the neck. The skin became less elastic, and the tone of the face was uneven.

Fans also noticed that the model had a few gray hairs with which she clearly does not have any fight.

What is happening to her? Selflaunched Cindy shows regrown roots

Despite the fact that Cindy’s appearance is undergoing changes, fans still note that she is very beautiful and looks natural. With so many celebrities trying to correct their age with beauty injections, Crawford’s appearance can already be called unique.

“She is even painted with all these wrinkles”, “She is so cute in these photos”, “Oh, I didn’t recognize her! She has aged so much”, “We all need to learn from Cindy to accept ourselves as we are”, “Beautiful and without injections,” the followers noted.

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