Grandma praises the teenager who discovered her stolen wallet and went above and beyond to return it

Delivontae Johnson, 19, pulled into the Walmart parking lot on January 12 to change a flat tire. He was going to alter someone’s life, but he was unaware of it. It was once said by a church pastor, according to Johnson, who spoke to Fox 16, that the devil will strike before God starts to bless.

The East Arkansas Community College student pulled into the pharmacy’s parking lot and noticed that a wallet was in a shopping cart. I wasn’t meant to be parking there, but thank God I did, Johnson recounted. He examined the wallet and saw that it belonged to Wynne, Arkansas resident Dee Harkrider, 61.

He managed to get in touch with Harkrider, who told him she was in Palestine, around 20 miles from Wynne. «I was in Palestine, but I live in Wynne. Therefore, that young man took a detour and traveled to Palestine, where he delivered my wallet, stated Harkrider.

Harkinder later posted on Facebook, «I was to Walmart earlier in the day and left my wallet in the shopping cart out on the parking lot. When my friend Elaine called and asked if I knew Delivontae Johnson, I told her I had already returned to Palestine. He had gotten in touch with her to inform her that he had discovered my wallet but had no idea how to get in touch with me.

The two posed for a picture at a grocery store parking lot, which Harkrider later posted to Facebook. She was able to give him $20 as payment for his kindness and for making the extra effort to find her.

«I wanted everyone to know how much this young man had helped me. I have to tell you about it, Harkrider said. She stated in her article, «Thank you does not even come close to the gratitude I feel for this young man whom I met just today.

Grandma praises the teenager who discovered her stolen wallet and went above and beyond to return it

Johnson and Harkrider have become friends on Facebook after learning they have a mutual buddy. Harkrider is of the opinion that the meeting of the two people was not purely accidental.

«My luck is good, a friend told me. God was looking out for me, I assured her, Harkrider posted on Facebook. «Delivontae Johnson, may God richly reward you, I pray! I have a new pal now!

The incident with Harkrider’s stolen wallet serves as a fantastic reminder that there are good individuals in the world. According to scientific study, the vast majority of individuals on the planet would return a misplaced wallet. According to a 2019 research, 72% of persons who found a wallet holding the equivalent of $94 in cash returned it to its owner.

Only 61% of the time were wallets with only $13 returned, though. It seems that people are more likely to go above and beyond to help someone else if they have more money. Even though it is inspiring to read of people making the right decisions, it’s crucial to keep in mind that most people in the world will make the correct decisions if given the chance.

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