Hundreds of residents were evacuated from Pasadena, California, care facilities by firefighters and police officers

Hundreds of residents were evacuated from Pasadena, California, care facilities by firefighters and police officers

With wildfires rushing toward them, tens of thousands of Los Angeles-area residents fled their homes this week. Some have already returned to find nothing but ash where they once lived.

Hundreds of residents were evacuated from Pasadena, California, care facilities by firefighters and police officers

In the coming days, many more will discover that their homes and belongings have been destroyed.

Aid organizations and government agencies have stepped into the breach to keep evacuees safe, compensate victims and equip firefighters trying to tame the wildfires ravaging the city.

Hundreds of residents were evacuated from Pasadena, California, care facilities by firefighters and police officers

To do so, those organizations are opening shelters, providing equipment, deploying volunteers and pumping money into the affected areas.

They’re asking for help. Here’s how you can contribute:The Los Angeles Fire Department Foundation, the official nonprofit partner of the city’s fire department,

Hundreds of residents were evacuated from Pasadena, California, care facilities by firefighters and police officers

is asking for donations so it can buy and give firefighters emergency fire shelters, hydration backpacks and wildland brush tools needed to stymie wildfires. You can donate here.

World Central Kitchen is giving sandwiches, fruit and water to “all areas of immediate need.” Several of its partner chefs are “on standby, ready to provide comforting meals.”

Hundreds of residents were evacuated from Pasadena, California, care facilities by firefighters and police officers

You can donate here.
The American Red Cross is providing shelter, food, relief supplies and medical care. You can find more information here and donate here.

GoFundMe has verified and consolidated dozens of fundraisers that victims have started in recent days.