She didn’t recognize her spouse after getting her hair cropped. She was about to receive yet another amazing surprise

She didn’t recognize her spouse after getting her hair cropped. She was about to receive yet another amazing surprise.

We’d like to tell you about one of the fantastic things that happened on Rachael’s talk show.

Young Brandon, whose hair had not been cut in a while, agreed to get it cut during the performance because his fiancée insisted on seeing him with that look.

She didn't recognize her spouse after getting her hair cropped. She was about to receive yet another amazing surprise

And he had something quite special in store for him at the end.
After being friends for a while before starting to date, they were accustomed to each other’s appearances, but Claribel wanted to see him in a different light, and he didn’t reject her.

She didn't recognize her spouse after getting her hair cropped. She was about to receive yet another amazing surprise

Claribel was waiting for his new look while the stylists worked on it, just like everyone else in the audience.

She had no idea how he would appear with his new haircut. That moment finally arrived.

She didn't recognize her spouse after getting her hair cropped. She was about to receive yet another amazing surprise

She struggled to accept that it was actually him and wondered whether it might have been someone who just looked like him, as she frequently remarked at the time. For a little period, she didn’t even recognize him.
She was about to experience another important event, however. His arrival startled her, but suddenly he did something that made her forget about it.

He gave her a diamond ring and made a marriage proposal. What an opportunity and priceless second.
The delighted audience clapped and congratulated the charming couple.

Claribel affirmed, and they hugged. Below is an embedded video of their cuteness.

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